Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gay Couple Denied Marriage License

Katie Carmichael and Deidre DiBiaggio
I recently read an article from the Post-Standard called "Same-sex couple threatens legal action against Cayuga County town whose clerk refused to issue marriage license". It is about two lesbian women, Katie Carmichael and Deidre DiBiaggio, threatening to sue the town of Ledyard in Cayuga County because the town clerk refused to issue them a marriage license. According to the new New York State law, Marriage Equality Act, passed in July of 2011, the couple are entitled to the license. However, the clerk, Rose Marie Belforti, refused to give it to them.The town attorney, Adam VanBuskirk, informed the town board that Belforti denied the license to the couple because of her Christian beliefs. Belforti gave the right to issue all marriage licenses to her deputy clerk, Susan Radcliffe. She told the couple to make an appointment with Radcliffe so she can process their license.

This is really ridiculous on Belforti's part. As a public official, she must treat everyone equally regardless of her personal beliefs. She must do what the law asks her to do. She cannot pick and choose which laws to enforce. If Belforti is claiming that she is denying the couple the license because of her religious beliefs, then why is she not also denying licenses for previously divorced people. According the Christian beliefs, this is a form of adultery. I am also surprised that the town board did not take any action against Belforti. She should be penalized in some way for denying a service entitled to the public by law.


  1. This would be a great issue for a letter to an editor or public official.

  2. Like Ben had said, this would make an excellent letter to an editor or public official. Same sex marriage is a current issue that is buzzing, especially within the United States, with New York recently passing a law allowing such an action. By addressing this issue in such a way, you develop a great reflection upon the topic that can make an excellent letter.

  3. I agree that this someone you should write your letter to. Same sex marriage has recently been something of interest for a lot of people and many people have different opinions on this topic. There are many different people you could talk to about this to get the different opinions and it would make for a great discussion in the letter.

  4. I think that sooner or later, someone will take action against her such as through protesting or perhaps even writing a letter. I agree with you that action should be taken against her. It is wrong to judge someone because of their religious beliefs. Hopefully, someone will take action soon.

  5. Great work throughout this entire blog. Especially in your most recent posts, you tackle issues with complexity and explain them for a popular audience through clear writing and visual illustrations. I learned a lot from your blog, and I'm sure the students in the class did too.
